Amanda Vastag is a Shamanic Sound Practitioner, guiding groups and individuals to reconnect with their authentic truth and soul’s calling. She facilitates transformative experiences aimed at fostering self trust and personal growth through deep listening and heightened awareness. Her approach centres on the development of meaningful relationships to ourselves, others, the natural world and beyond.

Starting with her initial faith-based upbringing, Amanda has explored her sense and awareness of spirit through many lenses, beginning with a 26 year career as a hair and make up artist designing and applying outer beauty only to develop an acute sense of inner truth and the beauty of the soul.

She discovered the healing power of sound through grieving the passing of her beloved brother in 1999 and alongside her career began informal studies in therapeutic sound and vocal expression. Following her intuition, finding sacred instruments, sounding and singing as place of deep solace
and comfort.

Always curious for the deeper meaning and devoted to self-awareness, Amanda continued to expand her experiences through the exploration of belief systems, cultural practices, alternate healing modalities and medicines. Her life journey has included a full spectrum of experiences – and at times included sustained periods that required feats of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual endurance, resulting in a deep acceptance and a compassion for what it means to be human.

While raising her family and continuing her career Amanda completed formal studies in therapeutic sound, vocal expression, counselling and shamanic practice adding to her life experiences, a foundation and passion to hold sacred space for others.

Her offerings are naturally holistic and foster self trust, co creation, intuitive transformation and heart/soul centred practice. Utilising the voice, sacred instruments and silence, Amanda weaves healing soundscapes, that offer space for others to rest, rejuvenate and unwind from mental, emotional and physical stress.

Beyond sound healing, she guides individuals to find their inner and outer voice, empowering them to express themselves confidently from a place of integrity and calm. Through her teachings, Amanda imparts practical wisdom on tuning into the energetic body, clearing emotional density, resolving mental dissonance, alleviating physical stress and developing spiritual curiosity.

Within her community of Kingscliff NSW, Amanda co facilitates Bi monthly sound immersion experiences, offers 1:1 sessions in person and travels to hold sacred sound space for small groups and events.

Amanda’s goal is to help others tune into their own natural frequency and unravel layers of beliefs and conditioning that no longer serve their optimal vibration. Holding space for others to do their own work, emphasizing that healing is not just about curing symptoms but uncovering personal vibrations that nourish integrity, freedom, well-being and love.

She finds it a joy and honor to create this transformative space, and looks forward to sharing part of your journey as you open yourself to your own frequencies of healing.