Soul Wisdom: A community collaboration with Michelle Jones
Come join us for one or both of our monthly sound immersion offerings.

Soul Wisdom Meditation
A 2hr journey through guided breathing, visualization, soothing soundscapes and deep silence. Designed to deeply relax, restore and rejuvenate! Rest in sacred space, connect with community, calm your nervous system, clear energetic and emotional blockages and get to know your own Soul’s Wisdom.

When: First Thursday of every month at Kingscliff Saltwater Studio 6-8Pm
Book Soul Wisdom Meditation with Humantix

Soul Wisdom Sound Play
A 2hr journey through guided breathing, simple warm up vocal exercises, gentle somatic movement, vocal toning and overtoning. Learn to use your own voice for personal healing, cleansing and balancing your energy field, calming the nervous system, softening emotional blockages and trusting your intuitive wisdom.

A soothing soundscape immersion to integrate afterwards. No experience necessary, come along and discover the potent power of your own voice.

When: Second Thursday of every month at Kingscliff Saltwater Studio 6-8pm
Book Soul Wisdom Sound Play with Humantix